PB-1902 the only oral opioid receptor antagonist for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation (OIC)

  • 产品概览
  • 作用机理
  • 产品特点与优势
  • 研究进展
  • PB-1902 is the only oral opioid receptor antagonist for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation (OIC) under clinical trials in China. It relieves the opioid-induced bowel dysfunction without compromising the analgesic effect, making it an ideal option for the treatment of OIC.

    PB-1902 is currently undergoing the phase I clinical trial in China. It is expected to become the first oral opioid receptor antagonist in China, fulfilling the unmet medical need of the target population.
  • 阿片类镇痛药物通过结合中枢神经系统的μ受体,缓解病患中、重度疼痛。同时,阿片类药物会与胃肠道内μ受体结合,抑制胃肠蠕动,减少胆汁和胰腺的分泌,从而引起便秘。PB-1902作为μ受体拮抗剂可以有效结合肠道μ受体,从而竞争性减少阿片类药物与肠道内受体结合,缓解长期使用此类药物引起的便秘;同时, PB-1902穿越血脑屏障能力弱,不影响阿片类药物在中枢神经系统与μ受体的结合;从而达到治疗便秘但又不影响阿片类药物的镇痛效果。
  • (1)    口服剂型,方便患者使用

    (2)    有效改善便秘,不易拮抗阿片类镇痛作用

  • PB-1902正在中国开展I期临床研究。